Insight does not exist within the boundaries of time; time never provides insight.
Gaining insight is not a gradual process accomplished bit by bit,
with great endurance and patience.
Jedda Krishnamurti
Creativity never is a continuous and gradual process. Is is pure chaos, it can be a mess, it can be frustrating, it can be exhilerating. It means either running or standing still. Especially when it is hard to find alternative solutions it is difficult to not take the easy way out. Insight in the creative process is what is needed not to give up under stress. Insight has to be worked for continuously, yet comes when least expected. All techniques try to make it happen, and most often in a roundabout way.
It is a clear case of 'synergy' or 'bi-sociation'. As R. Buckminster Fuller defined it: "unique behaviors of whole systems are unpredicted by any behaviors of their component functions taken separately." ( Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, p. 64) For example, the stable structural behaviour of water (H2O) is not predictable from the analysis of its component parts, hydrogen and oxygen; the new product water is therefore synergetic. The answers to our questions may lie in seemingly completely unrelated corners. Suddenly there may be the flash of insight.
creativity > delaying judgement
Insight can be a destructive flash, not an easy-going affair. If we want to understand why some people do not want to be creative this might be because of this destructiveness. Upon gaining insight one's whole world collapses. Everything I believed in may prove to have been wrong. Insight may perhaps change my life, my way of thinking and acting, it may be pleasant or unpleasant, however, it is a danger to continuity. For it means rearranging my life, just now things were going well. That's why many people would rather continue in the normal manner (cf. monohops) then face the destruction. Especially dogmatic people seem to be afraid and therefore avoid it, consciously or unconsciously.
Creativity > questioning my ability for destruction and renewal